STM32 + FatFs + SD card via SPI【二】FatFS指令操作




	"[Disk contorls]\n"
	" di <pd#> - Initialize disk\n"
	" dd [<pd#> <lba>] - Dump a secrtor\n"
	" ds <pd#> - Show disk status\n"
	"[Buffer controls]\n"
	" bd <ofs> - Dump working buffer\n"
	" be <ofs> [<data>] ... - Edit working buffer\n"
	" br <pd#> <lba> [<count>] - Read disk into working buffer\n"
	" bw <pd#> <lba> [<count>] - Write working buffer into disk\n"
	" bf <val> - Fill working buffer\n"
	"[File system controls]\n"
	" fi <ld#> [<mount>]- Force initialized the volume\n"
	" fs [<path>] - Show volume status\n"
	" fl [<path>] - Show a directory\n"
	" fo <mode> <file> - Open a file\n"
	" fc - Close the file\n"
	" fe <ofs> - Move fp in normal seek\n"
	" fd <len> - Read and dump the file\n"
	" fr <len> - Read the file\n"
	" fw <len> <val> - Write to the file\n"
	" fn <> <> - Rename an object\n"
	" fu <name> - Unlink an object\n"
	" fv - Truncate the file at current fp\n"
	" fk <name> - Create a directory\n"
	" fa <atrr> <mask> <object name> - Change attribute of an object\n"
	" ft <year> <month> <day> <hour> <min> <sec> <name> - Change timestamp of an object\n"
	" fx <src.file> <dst.file> - Copy a file\n"
	" fg <path> - Change current directory\n"
	" fq - Show current directory\n"
	" fb <name> - Set volume label\n"
	" fm <ld#> <type> <csize> - Create file system\n"
	" fz [<len>] - Change/Show R/W length for fr/fw/fx command\n"
	"[Misc commands]\n"
	" md[b|h|w] <addr> [<count>] - Dump memory\n"
	" mf <addr> <value> <count> - Fill memory\n"
	" me[b|h|w] <addr> [<value> ...] - Edit memory\n"
	" t [<year> <mon> <mday> <hour> <min> <sec>] - Set/Show RTC\n"

[Disk contorls] 磁碟操控

di <pd#> - Initialize disk

>di 0	//initialize device 0
rc=0	//response success


指令di 使用disk_initialize()對SD card做初始化( 74 clocks + CMD0 +...一連串的設定)

返回值 0 為成功;除此之外的狀態如下

dd [<pd#> <lba>] - Dump a secrtor

>dd 0 0	//Dump device 0 sector 0

指令dd 使用disk_read()讀取出指定sector的內容

ds <pd#> - Show disk status

>ds 0	//show disk 0 status

指令ds 使用disk_ioctl()讀取磁碟狀態

輸出磁碟的狀態 Driver size,Block size,CSD,CID,OCR ...

[Buffer controls]

di <pd#> - Initialize disk

>di 0	//initialize device 0
rc=0	//response success

[File system controls] 檔案系統操作

fi <ld#> [<mount>]- Force initialized the volume

>fi 0	//initialize device 0
rc=0 FR_OK    //response success


指令fi 使用f_mount()掛載磁碟,返回值對應結果如下

fs [<path>] - Show volume status

>fs 0	//show device 0 volume status

顯示此磁碟使用的File System內容

指令fs 使用f_getfree()取得volume的size及未使用空間的大小,返回值對應結果如下

fl [<path>] - Show a directory


>fl folderName	//show "folder" content

指令fl 使用f_opendir()打定指定的資料夾,f_readdir()取得資料夾的內容,返回值對應結果如下


fo <mode> <file> - Open a file




>fo 1 filename	//open file by READ mode
rc=0 FR_OK	//success

指令fl 使用f_open()開啟檔案

fc - Close the file


>fo    //Close file
rc=0 FR_OK	//success

指令fc 使用f_close()關閉檔案

fe <ofs> - Move fp in normal seek

移動 read/write時的指標 延展大小

<ofs> 延展/縮減的尺寸

>fe size_value   //Close file

指令fe 使用f_lseek()移動檔案指標

fd <len> - Read and dump the file


<len> 顯示的長度

>fd lenght   //print file content

fr <len> - Read the file


<len> 讀取長度

>fr length   //Read file

fw <len> <val> - Write to the file


<len> 寫入長度

<val> 寫入內容(ASCII十進制)

>fw length data//Write to the file

指令fw 使用f_write()來寫入檔案


fn <> <> - Rename an object


<> 預改名稱的檔案

<> 更改後的名稱

>fn oldFile newName//rename file

指令fw 使用f_rename()來為檔案更名

fu <name> - Unlink an object


<name> 被刪除的檔案

>fn filename//delete file

指令fw 使用f_unlink()來刪除檔案

fv - Truncate the file at current fp


>fv //rename file

指令fv 使用f_truncate()

fk <name> - Create a directory


<name> 資料夾名稱

>fk foldername //create folder

指令fv 使用f_mkdir()來產生新的folder

fa <atrr> <mask> <name> - Change attribute of an object


>fa //change object attribute

指令fa 使用f_chmod()

ft <year> <month> <day> <hour> <min> <sec> <name> - Change timestamp of an object


>fa //change object timestamp

指令ft 使用f_utime()

fx <> <> - Copy a file


<> 檔案來源

<> 新檔案名稱

>fx oldname newname //copy a file

fg <path> - Change current directory


>fg path //change path

指令ft 使用f_chdir()

fq - Show current dir path


>fq //show current path

指令ft 使用f_getcwd()

fb <name> - Set volume label


<name> 標籤名稱

>fb name //set volume label

指令ft 使用f_setlabel()

fm <ld#> <type> <csize> - Create file system

建立File System

<ld#> 標籤名稱

<type> 標籤名稱

<csize> 標籤名稱

>fm //show current path

指令ft 使用f_mkfs()

fz [<len>] - Change/Show R/W length for fr/fw/fx command

改變/顯示 讀/寫的長度

<len>  改變的長度

>fz length//change r/w length

t [<year> <mon> <mday> <hour> <min> <sec>] - Set/Show RTC




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